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Writer's pictureWilliam E. Land

Wisdom Is My Lover (Proverbs 4:1-7)

Updated: Jan 7

To be wise is the highest honor of credibility anyone can bestow upon a human being. Nothing else can bring assurance for the soul or make the most out of earthly pleasures than it. However, the greatest threat to obtaining wisdom is bias, even though intolerance is necessary to be wise. Without it, there would be no consequences for lies.

But what is wisdom? It is the appropriate use of the tongue and the guardian of the truth. Knowledge on the lips of the wise is a blade that slices and shreds everything that opposes justice and intelligence, which are opinions that claim to be correct but are not well thought out to reach those conclusions. And there are no cultural boundaries where the misinformed do not exist.

Fortunately for us, everyone who lacks wisdom and sincerely asks of God will receive it. (Read James 1:5) As the only reliable source for knowledge and love, no one else but the LORD could understand how the truth and affection are synonymous, then present them to us as wisdom. (Read Proverbs 9:10.) But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a price to pay to become wise. You have to know what it means to be humble and honest. Anyone who has difficulty hearing the truth will detest what is essential to be wise, and the only alternative to that is foolishness. But if you want to have a happy life with eternal benefits, wisdom must be your “Lover.”

Do you know people who lack it fall into two categories: victim or instigator? And both are heading on a destructive path if humility is absent from their personality. That is why honesty is essential if they desire to change. Without it, there is no anchor for their soul. I encourage you to seek wisdom with all of your heart and mind. It is the only reason to hope in God.

Remember these words: An honest person defends the truth because being wrong doesn’t solve anything. But a liar thinks of ways to distort the truth, thinking it’s to their advantage, which explains why a fool never finds love! My advice to them is not to forsake wisdom, for nothing else can protect the heart from worldly challenges. Love her, and you will never be lonely again. Therefore, get wisdom; you cannot know God’s love if you do not love His word!

Written by: Pastor William Land

December 14, 2024 - January 7, 2025.

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